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Our Call to Intercession
Intercession is the heart of prophetic ministry.  Through intercession, we first come to know the heart, mind, and spirit of God in relationship to whom and what we're called to intercede for.  
Community that is built from sharing these commitments serve to bring a synergistic flow of ministry that is futher fueled by Holy Spirit movements in our members, as well as demonstration of the ministry that we engage.  

Intercession is where we learn to become established in realms where we become further empowered to faithfully occupy what has been entrusted to us.  
Once the infilling of spirit life has become present in what we engage, we then look forward to the formation of ministry that will follow.  Here, in these fullness of times, God embodies us with greater ministry to further empower us to fulfill the purposes that we're called to serve.  
Marketplace Spheres of Service

Marketplace Spheres of Service, which are also known as the Administrations of 1 Corinthians 12:28 are governing bodies that extend the greater work of the Church (Ecclesia) to the marketplaces of our cities and regions.  Titus 1:5 Ministry of Elders of the City include Senior Leaders through Church Leadership, as well as Gatekeepers and Leadership within the Marketplaces of our cities. 

Administrations are further cultivated to embody ministry that becomes active to serve specific spheres and roles within our cities.  Whether through First Responders, governmental agencies, or other Marketplace Services, gifts and ministries are cultivated to serve to bring counsel and empowerment to specific areas of service.         

Team Formations

Our Leadership Teams of Ministry are purposed to carry the manifest presence of God, as well as demonstration of the governance that Ecclesia and Administrations bring us into.  Being stewards of these ministries is also what God’s Kingdom mandates us with to fulfill our assignments and purposes that we serve through.  With all of this in place, we begin to receive counsel that is very strategic to God’s overall redemptive plan to bring needed solutions to problems that we face today.  We also experience the synergy needed to build outwardly towards relationships that overlap our present development. 


Much needed ministry for these times as we not only call upon God, but assemble ourselves within the divine order of His Kingdom.  He will and does deliver faithfully!

All Hands In
The Base Atlanta


As a Council of Elders, The Base Atlanta is a body of Leadership who are primarily established through Church government and Leadership.  This Council provides foundational support to ministry that prepares different spheres of service in breaking glass ceilings that hinder development and furtherance of growth in our given areas of service.

Dr. Greg Crawford serves as the Senior Elder of The Base Atlanta.  In addition to being an Entrepreneur, as well as an Engineer, Dr Crawford’s extensive background serves both Marketplace Spheres of Service, as well as fundamentals of what Church Leadership has in these roles of development. 

Cindy Allen also serves alongside of Greg Crawford to fulfill these purposes. 

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