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  • Writer's pictureCindy Allen

The Davids Are Rising!

Last night, after spending some time with some family members that I haven’t seen in a while, I was once again greatly blessed to see the evidence of the generational healing that trickles down in our family relationships. Of the evidence of Titus 1:5 ministry in its continuous work, this glory train has no end, just as Melchizedek has no earthly genealogy.

Even so, with expansion, comes the multiplication of spiritual gifts where people become stretched beyond what they know how to measure, discern, and align themselves with. Without equipping and preparation, many can become engaged in battles that were not intended for them. Without being part of a sanctified body that they can receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit through in respect to the part that a Worker carries, a gift, or ministry can become highjacked by what will derail the work. In doing so, becoming part of the “friendly fire warfare" that causes great harm to the Body of Christ. Of all that I have learned, what stands out to me the most is how Christ, from how He is manifest in our members, goes before. The Lord of lords will deal with what is well beyond our own means of how to resolve problems and matters that have not yet fully been exposed. By the time that we begin to perceive what the underlying problem is, or how it becomes fully manifest, Goliath is already laying on the ground beheaded.

After pondering some things that have recently been coming to light, I ran across some dialogue today on how healthcare systems are failing us because they have become so regulated by Insurance Providers. These are huge problems, but I know in my knower that God has solutions and is not lacking for what we need. When we know how Ecclesia and its administrations serve in the marketplaces from within the Gates of our cities, as well as what all Kingdom based ministry brings to the table, we know that we lack for no good thing.

Consider the breaches that form in one system that prevents its Workers from functioning according to their original duties, purposes, or design. Doctors should have the liberty to treat the health of their patients, according to their original vows of excellence. Doctors take oaths that align them with a greater body of Doctors to keep them accountable to the excellence of service that they give. Nurses take the Florence Nightingale Pledge, again in agreement with a greater body of Nurses, to perform and serve according to high standards.

When the Workers within these health care systems becomes run by what funds them, a hierarchal structure that no longer serves its original purpose forms. When the same Workers know who they are as Corporate Sons through a Priesthood within their given spheres of authority, there is no end to creative solutions once people know how to access God from within more corporate ministry. Here, the Lord of Hosts is better known in His Army.

Considering that one system is just one drop in an ocean, consider what Eccclesia (the Church) is to that same ocean! Time to equip the Laborers of the Harvest!

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