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  • Writer's pictureCindy Allen

Prophetic Movements

A prophetic movement can begin with two or three people. I have stood on Matt 18:20 countless times over the years to wait for the Holy Spirit to show up with His ministry to start a flow that each can find their own personal flow in. Once a path is located to expand the works of the Kingdom of God, the three can expand to three hundred and the three hundred expand to three thousand, etc. The point and purpose for expansion is to generate a redemptive plan of action, which is laid out as a course that many can follow. The original point that marks the purpose of the ministry that we’re carrying can be revealed to us long before a matter of detrimental consequences is made fully known or manifest. All that is Kingdom is backed and demonstrated in and by the Holy Spirit. The actual movements of the Holy Spirit are not dependent upon those first pioneers who first broke ground through new revelation. Neither can any one person guard the path through ownership of what must be immediately released through the stewardship of the Kingdom. Of Pioneers and Pathfinders: The determination of those who pioneer new paths according to blue-print ministry, is for the purpose of staying the Ancient Paths that God originally established from His Word and from before the foundations of the earth. Kingdom ministry is wrought from strategic places in third heaven realms, far above what can become corrupt. Those who are caught up in the heavens, by way of their own personal relationship with God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, partake freely of what has already been freely given. {“Tradition, through what becomes active and activated = paradosis, which is the very act of giving up or giving over. I’ll expound on this further below.} Mat 6:19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.

Mat 6:20 “But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; Ever noticed how the very sound of a rising prophetic company resonates with the same sound, frequencies, and message with those they may never have met, or known of? How can this be so among those who release their words across the globe without ever having been connected to the company(ies) releasing the same? It seems that the Holy Spirit releases every new message, or sound in a manner to reveal a previously unknown people who rise because of the word being released within them. When the word within them is released, a greater movement follows towards forming an embodiment of the ministry that Christ will likewise embody through a people. See the Son, see the sons! See the Priesthood, see the person! See a person, or people apart from the Priesthood, and the mind will often reflect and deflect from what is in the soil that one’s own feet are planted in. If we are ever moved to divide a generation from their inheritance, we should immediately be moved to judge ourselves accordingly. In doing so, we live the revelation that we have so that we minister out of what we live, from what has fully become manifest, faith to faith. In this manner, the right succession will follow with respect to God’s greater purposes for the ministry that we hold within our hands. When God Brings Visitation: A prophetic movement will have its own times and seasons that serve to mark what is coming to fruition on behalf of what is to follow. The course that follows can be found and located from people’s individual paths in relationship with God through the Holy Spirit. The work, path, and ministry that God leads us by is always redemptive. The path is further redemptive for us as disciples, sons, and daughters, etc. It’s also redemptive on behalf of the greater companies of people that will follow. God’s ultimate goal for Kingdom ministry is that many sons would be raised to glory to know their spiritual inheritance in Christ. Ministry that loses its redemptive value soon becomes an antiquated structure that witnesses of man’s traditions that will come to represent form without power. We, who pioneer apostolic ministry, must understand how to rightly divide from the very framework of structure, from what marks order, accountability, etc. in what is to follow. Otherwise, the ministry that is held tightly in one’s hands will begin to define the “tradition” that Jesus spoke against in Scripture. (Matt 15: 2-3) Rightly divided and rightly applied from what marks God’s fullness of times, “tradition” identifies the present framework of the ministry (form) through its present order, accountability, etc. This framework, or structure has been formed from what first grows freely in an organic body. The same is purposed to serve what is to become foundation to those who the ministry is to undergird. Tradition, as defined in its Framework: “Tradition” from how scripture speaks of this, is purposed to “give up, or give over” what is presently in one’s hands. We, who walk this out, know that to release the ministry in the fullness of times, is also to release the sons who are carrying the same towards it’s next progression. In the next part, the same structure (tradition) is to become foundation that gives place to new structure that will frame us in the times that follow. Again, traditions, in the sense of what becomes manifest by the Spirit can be defined through the Greek word, paradosis. Paradosis is the very act of giving up or giving over. Prophetic companies will manifest these times frequently to reveal the order that the prophets are carrying. These times also reveal God’s times of visitations to us where the same often requires personal sanctification. These times of cleansing and purification will also be followed by more corporate-bodied sanctification that relates to what is being carried in the greater ministry, or movement of God. Of paradosis (tradition), which is used in Mat 15:2 Mat 15:2 Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition G3862 of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread. (the washing of the hands symbolized purification) Mat 15:3 But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition? G3862 Here, the Pharisees were questioning Jesus as to why he was leading his disciples outside of their traditions (established order). Jesus responded to them by questioning why they used their interpretation of scripture to cause God’s word to be of no service to the people. Times That Mark God’s Visitations: If the place that marks God’s visitation does not become habitation among the first pioneers and pathfinders, as those of the first order, what follows in greater numbers will mark the hollow points of what the movement expands to. Where ministry becomes a weapon to rise apart from the spirit and nature of God - as hollow point bullets, which act much like what hollow point bullets are designed to do in the natural. They mushroom out upon impact to cause maximum damage. In the cusp of any prophetic movement, what points us towards fruition, thresholds, doors, and realms, we must be mindful to discern the times that we’ve entered into. We do not want to take on what is present in the culture or the atmosphere of what we’re coming into. By judging our words that announce these times, we first identify and discern the soil that our own feet are planted in. Watchman, What of the Night? I hear, “Watchman! What of the night?” Truly, what appears to us in the midnight hour will often mark the hour of our visitation. The Lord comes or visits a place in our heart. Where His habitation with us is lacking, the desolate place that becomes illuminated to us is to become the Lord’s habitation before we continue further. Strategic Times are Pivotal! The gifts and ministries are without repentance. We can lead from these times according to the first Adam or the Second Adam, who is Christ. “Watchman, what of the night?” was the desperate cry for help as Israel was witnessing the rise of the Assyrian Empire. They were of the most ruthless empires recorded in history. As sons and daughters of God, God’s Kingdom serves to give us access into spiritual realms that are otherwise governed by civil governments. As Gatekeepers, how we rightly divide from inside out, from within to without, reveals how we will legislate Kingdom affairs once the ministry becomes more expansive. We cannot rise in the Lord’s ascension ministry without the Holy Spirit. Even so, the part that God is preparing us for may require an infilling of the Spirit that initializes us in the set of values that we’re being prepared to govern our lives from. All things pure! Even where heaven comes to earth in marketplace spheres of service as a Priesthood!

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