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  • Writer's pictureCindy Allen

Preparing Overcomers to Prevail

Much like a GPS (Global Positioning System) enables us to navigate our road and travel systems today, the Word of God serves us in much the same way. God’s Word identifies our spiritual location for the purpose of pinpointing our present condition or circumstances regarding where and how we need to be positioned to prevail.

To overcome what we may be overcome by in this world is to continually give God place to mark our paths. Since overcomers are continually moving beyond borders and boundaries, our paths often appear outside of what has been previously defined by structure. Even so, our knowledge of divine order “from the beginning”, when God created the heavens and the earth, is what sustains us to uphold God’s Kingdom rule and divine order in our going forth.

In Numbers 13:30, And Caleb stilled the people before Moses and said let us go up at once and possess it, for we are well able to overcome it.

The Hebrew word for “go up” is ʿālâ, which means to go up, ascend. To meet, visit, follow. It can also mean to depart, withdraw, retreat. It means to go up over a boundary; to excel and be superior to.

Before we know what boundary we are to go up over, or what are we to be superior to, we must understand what it is that we are to overcome. All must be made able to possess the promise! With Amalek being a dweller in the valley, we can most likely determine that the adversary of this valley is more fully understood in the mountain and it’s region. The Hitites, Jebusites, and Amorites all lived in the hill country. The Canaanites themselves lived by the sea.

Each of these territories would have hosted a culture that related to regions from what was established in the heavens above them, apart from the other regions. Otherwise, they would not have needed to be driven out. Here is where an understanding of our positioning as sons, as a Priesthood, Ecclesia, etc. comes into full view. Not only of what we are to overcome, but how we are to overcome as a prevailing people. Our paths in the days ahead will often locate fault lines and other obstacles that must be overcome in order to prevail.

God, who created the heavens and earth, also gave us His first begotten Son through Christ, who gave us another set of blueprints through Ecclesia. When we find ourselves on a terrain that has been formed through cultures which are not in agreement with God’s original design, we can reflect on the message within Psalm 78 that speaks of WHO we are to form within our ranks.

Psalm 78: 65 Then the Lord awoke as if from sleep, like a warrior overcome with wine. 66 He drove his adversaries backward.

Of course, we know that WE must both form and manifest this witness of Christ in the earth in challenging times. Order produces spiritual patterns that alert us to ministry that we engage, as well as how and what to draw from scripture in the appointed times. The patterns of design do not change, but God does multiply what is in our hand and we must be discerning of what He has given us.

What defines the valleys will oftentimes be marked as extreme opposites from the “high places”, or exalted places that God speaks against in scripture. We may not recognize these times through their natural environments, but the sound of the battles, as well as the battlefield further marks this ground to alert us of how we should posture ourselves in what is to follow. People need to be stilled and settled on their own spiritual ground before they are mobilized to walk out the paths that follow.

Stewards of the Kingdom of God disciple these precepts into a Priesthood before companies are ever gathered to build the people into great warriors.

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