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  • Writer's pictureCindy Allen

My First Stable Experience

Where were you when you entered the Kingdom of God? I worked with horses as a stable hand. Since this was where a great part of my life was spent, the Holy Spirit used much of this as the framework to teach and counsel me from in respect to God’s Kingdom. Of course, one part flows out to all parts.

The Goodman of the House!

In those days, I was also given visions of what I perceived as an apartment complex where I was led to study about the Householder in New Testament scripture. Each unit in the overall development held the same identical floor plan, structure, square footage, etc. Pretty soon, from the revelation that I was given as a householder within such a development in relationship to The Goodman of the House, I was promoted to Stable Manager in my job. I made sure that my bosses knew that I was not a professional horse trainer. Still, they wanted me to take the position without interviewing other candidates.

I didn’t gain success with the horses from knowledge that comes from professional horse trainers. I gained success with the horses because I came to understand their nature by God’s design. All that flows from God’s Kingdom is purposed to bring what the Kingdom flows out to into its own place of rest and peace. My own prophetic training as a disciple, as well as a daughter of the King, gave me greater insight as to how to find my center in Christ. The horses responded well to me because I knew how to help them find their center from within their own design. Once trust was established, the greater work could follow. Having horses myself, I also knew how to train them through very basic, simple techniques that are practiced through repetition.

The Priesthood

Over the years, I have learned that the gifts of Eph. 4:11 can be likened to the organs of the greater body from within a Priesthood Order. As humans, we all have hearts, lungs, kidneys, etc. When this body includes the greatest from the least, we can see the Holy Spirit move in heart health, lung health, liver health, etc. The difference is that we replace the named organs with the branch of ministry that is being tuned, renewed, revitalized, and replenished in relationship with the whole body.

The greater success that followed in my time as Stable Manager came out of the knowledge of my own personal training in the prophetic. I learned early on how The Father dealt with pride and rebellion as much as I knew how He responded to obedience, love, and honor. Regarding pride or rebellion, simply turning one over to the Herd Leader of those of his own flesh is usually all that is needed. The prodigal will soon return to his father.

Never compromise character and integrity with what rolls around in the mud. Mud can’t wash away mud any more than darkness can cast out darkness. Even so, some things will cost you! Be willing to pay the price at your own expense, without blaming another, even when it costs you your reputation from character assignation, or other issues. Regarding the purging of silver, which is associated with the prophetic, once the Master sees Himself reflected in what has been purified, he brings the silver up out of the fire. The word and witness that follows will release a word that will resonate even from within the hardest of hearts. Even when this repentance began with your own heart. We don’t often see our own faults until we see them opposite us in what is standing out on a ledge from the other side of division.

Unto us a child is born! A child that shares in the mutual salvation that redeems what was born as a result of what division came to. Salvation that leads to salvation!

From Titus 2. The chapter that speaks of character consistent with Godliness.

11: God’s marvelous grace has manifested in person, bringing salvation for everyone. This same grace teaches us how to live each day as we turn our backs on ungodliness and indulgent lifestyles, and it equips us to live self-controlled, upright, godly lives in this present age.

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