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  • Writer's pictureCindy Allen

Holy Fist Bumps!

Yesterday, someone shared with me that as they were thinking of praying for me, they had a vision of three fist bumps connecting. When God speaks to others through us, he speaks in a way that all may understand from. Fist bumping is a modern, present day greeting among friends. It represents how people greet each other. It also represents friendship and triumph.

God’s Three’s

Since my earliest days of ministry, the Holy Spirit required that I learn to hear him in others, as well as see him in others. Hearing him is one thing, but to see and discern him in others requires that we discern where people are in life, as well as what is present in the environments that they currently live in. In one day, you can see family, community, and work life. From the heavenly realms, namely the second heaven that is above them, we can see more about the storms, challenges, and pressures that may be bearing down on people.

The Third Heaven is where we find our center in Christ from within God’s Kingdom. Regardless of what is taking place in the natural world, or what is bearing down on people spiritually, this is where we engage people from. From our center to theirs; from our sonship and spiritual inheritance to theirs. The spiritual ground below their feet may quake and shake at times. It may even open up to reveal deep seated fears, wounds or wounding.

When the earth opens, God’s loving hand reaches down into the deep recesses of the heart where no human hands can touch or reach. God’s intentions are to bring the peace that is needed to help people find their center in Christ where greater healing can continue. We know God more fully by knowing who we are in Him. His loving hands reach into the scattered, fragmented parts of our hearts and pull them back in to be reconciled to himself and be healed. In doing so, we become whole. From wholeness, we see how to engage the world around us more intentionally from a place of resolve.

Prophetic Ministry and Words of Knowledge

Sometimes it’s not enough to minister prophetically to people. They need the lesson of how to become active, or activated in the same ministry so that they don’t lose their new ground in God’s presence. The ministries were intended for God’s people. The gifts and ministries become a great part of navigating our lives in relationship to God’s Kingdom so that we don’t get lost in the storms of life. God always knows your address! Prophetic ministry is like a GPS. Rather than the Global Positioning System that reveals your natural location and circumstances, you get God’s Spiritual Positioning System that brings you up into Christ where you govern your life from your spiritual inheritance. In Christ, your own spiritual senses become alive and awakened. Prophetic ministry can become a life preserver in dark times and in dark waters when it’s tossed out from a three-fold strand of relationship.

From Father, Son, Holy Spirit (God) to Body, Spirit, Soul (us)

From our spirit, we receive the counsel and guidance of the Holy Spirit, who leads us deeper into Christ. From Christ, we see the Kingdom (God, as Father) through a lens that interprets our life, our path, and our purpose.

Shalom, peace:

In the Old Testament, Shalom, peace meant:

I. completeness, soundness, welfare, peace A. completeness (in number) B. safety, soundness (in body) C. welfare, health, prosperity D. peace, quiet, tranquillity, contentment E. peace, friendship

i.of human relationships ii.with God especially in covenant relationship

F. peace (from war) G. peace (as adjective)

In the New Testament, Christ in you, the hope of glory, is the greatest expression of peace and love given to us by God. He is the Son of God and is the greatest gift given to man by God. He lives in us, with the Holy Spirit, to bring us into greater fullness day by day, from faith to faith, from glory to glory. No other religion under the sun teaches mankind to do the work of the ministry to cause us to discover God’s gifts in us. Also to discover the gifts and treasures that God has planted on our paths. No other religion teaches mankind how to co-create with God to create and re-create our world, as well as the world around us.

Humans can be idealistic in how they follow their dreams, but have no practical ways to implement truths and substance that will multiply as blessing to others. In Christ, when you find your identity, you will likewise begin to make steps towards your destiny. Riches can be obtained without Kingdom wealth, but without Kingdom wealth, riches can be removed, or disappear. Kingdom wealth is never lost and can rebuild your life at any time from wherever you’re planted.

For the Prophet:

When God shows the “fist bump” to the prophet, it simply means that right order was kept where God was doing heart surgery.

Peace, love, and joy!

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