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  • Writer's pictureCindy Allen

God’s Garden: In Contrast to Egypt, Babylon, and the Wilderness

A true father to son order that we practice in Kingdom ministry serves to cultivate spiritual land, as well as organic, spirit-grown structure that will descend from heaven to earth in the appointed times. From where our authority is established, the heavens are opened where we have faithfully stood to produce the contrast culture needed to facilitate Kingdom culture. God’s Kingdom culture functions above the negative reciprocity that is already present in the earth through counter cultures. Contrasting administrations of ministry, which God demonstrates from generation to generation, Kings and Priests, Healing and Deliverance, etc. serve to bring the blessing of multiplication to what is already fully established in God’s Kingdom.

Negative reciprocity occurs when an action that has a negative effect on a person, or a people, is returned with an action that has an approximately equal negative effect. This is the pendulum swing that widens the breaches with every pass. In this, lies the mystery of iniquity that much of the world around us is bound to. Where people have been carried off into captivity, the hidden works of iniquitous systems are underway.

The Wilderness

In the beginning of the first Exodus, Joseph had died, as well as all his brethren, and all that generation. Still, the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied greatly while they were in the land of Egypt.

When a new King rose up, this jealous Pharoah ordered all newborn sons to be killed. This would be one of the first attempts found in Scripture to cancel out the generational blessing that was upon the children of Israel.

The Promise

The Promise, as well as the Promised Land, must be inhabited by multiple generations. What follows should bring true doctrine that supports how God will manifest and demonstrate His Kingdom in the earth. Captivity is turned when God dwells with a people where spiritual ground is also cultivated in close relationship with God and with people. Also, to the generations that follow.

The Wilderness

Joseph represented a generation of fathers who died out in Egypt. In the wilderness, a generation that represented the Men of War died out without ever having entered the Promised Land. Without the co-habitation of sons alongside of the fathers, we have no habitation of God. Without becoming a dwelling place for God, what we build will resemble Babylon, only to be inhabited by demons

Don’t settle for the short-lived blessings and abundance, while living happily in the world systems. To come out is to also turn the captivity of those who are in these bonds. Until the Church has been fully delivered, we are powerless to deliver the world from it’s iniquity.

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