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  • Writer's pictureCindy Allen

Gatekeepers: Strategy to Effective Intercession

Last night (12/9/23), I briefly shared some of this, but our team began to flow in spirit-led ministry that bears witness of what is being shared here.

I have promised this link now for a few people, both on and off of last night’s Zoom meeting, which was held for the Battlegroups Leadership Vision Mission. When you go to Chuck Pierce’s link, read what each part of the Prayer Watch ushers in with respect to the realms of the spirit. Also, Dr. Greg Crawford has posted a link where he ministers of the Realms. (Realms of God: through Legacy School) The link for this will be posted in comments.

In regards to intercession, as well as the administration of ministry that follows to identify our path, we learn to discern what follows. Divine Order, given as precepts to be implemented in peoples lives, give place for the formation of administrations/governments to witness of 1 Cor 12:28. Administrations are followed to give place the forming of blueprint ministry that greater ministry can be cultivated through.

This brief summary witnesses of personal intercession on behalf of people, much like our intercession last night for Apostle Tom Brooks. This kind of intercession also witnesses of more corporate ministry on behalf of our nations. The mission of the Battlegroups Leadership Vision Mission was formed months before our U. S. Carrier Ships were sent to the Mediterranean on behalf of Israel. In these past months, as we have been building our relationships together, we have also been setting up house/ministry in a manner to identify the further administration of Titus 1:5 ministry in this mission. Also from how the presence of God’s Throne is kept in relationship with the framework of Zion ministry. (David caught the stronghold of the city to establish God’s stronghold.).

  1. God awakens you in the early a.m. hours for the purpose of intercession.

  2. In times that follow, we begin to discern and pinpoint the natural times that the prayer watches illuminate to us from what is taking place in the spirit realm. This often takes place through people that we’re connected with.

  3. The Holy Spirit uses the strategies that we receive to order our steps in walking out an order of ministry in respect to the 4th Watch of the Night. (Where we order the new day.). This part of ministry, which forms from the knowledge of divine order, to the forming of administrations, which serves to form blueprint ministry that is to follow. It is the blueprint ministry that is needed to carry God’s presence (God with us.) This greater part also orders our steps in how to order our new day so that we become positioned at the Gates as Gatekeepers where effective intercession can take place more fully.

  4. Administrate, or apply precepts that Apostle Greg Crawford ministers of as Thresholds and Tension Points.

  5. Tension Points require greater faith. What promise, or word is God speaking to you/us as we are walking out what stretches our faith? This becomes the Promise that we rise/awaken to obtain. The Promise(s) are often the prize and treasures of intercession. Once The Promise becomes an administration as a governing body, the blueprints will form ministry that embodies The Promised Land. People can be further discipled to enter, inhabit, and occupy what becomes their Promised Land - as it has also become ours!

  6. Pressure Points require greater character. This brings, or continues a process of purging, as well as sanctification in our walk of faith. A tension point in your life points to a greater demand on your faith, to believe and trust God in a greater manner.

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