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  • Writer's pictureCindy Allen

Four Aspects of Being Born Again

Jhn 3:3

Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

From studying four parts of what the Bible speaks of as being born again, (gennaō), we better discern the times that God is moving upon people in. As we partner with God in these purposes, we also see these attributes as facets of a diamond.

Of being born again: Gennaō

I. of men who fathered children

A. to be born

B. to be begotten

i. of women giving birth to children

II. metaph.

A. to engender, cause to arise, excite

B. in a Jewish sense, of one who brings others over to his way of life, to convert someone

C. of God making Christ his son

D. of God making men his sons through faith in Christ's work

From what begins as our personal salvation in Christ to a greater work that births people into deeper encounters with God, as well as greater experiences with Christ, we engage the framework that rests upon what gives foundation to the greater teachings of Christ.

From following the Life of Christ: (Note: The DAY is where and what we govern our lives in Christ, as well as from Christ.)

We see the Day when Jesus was born of a woman. We see the Day when the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus as Christ the Son, whom The Father had begotten. We also see the Day when Christ used a boat in a stormy sea to lead His disciples to cross over in their conversion. Finally, we see the Day of Christ’s Resurrection where He appeared to His Apostles.

Born (gennaō) Again:

To bring forth the birth in a person, or a people is also to be delivered – simultaneously. These two factors cannot be separated because being born again causes you to see the Kingdom of God from whatever framework is surrounding your life within that given moment.

What we SEE of the Kingdom of God, we may apprehend so that we sow the seed (bless) according to the proper times that God wants us to release the blessing from.

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